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One of the main objectives of the Foundation is to make quality education from primary to higher education level accessible for all. Through an increase in literacy rate and provision of education, the charity believes poverty can be reduced, health improved, and communities can flourish. More than 37,037 Students have been supported across Africa, Iraq, and India with educational sponsorships and resources so they can lift themselves and their families out of poverty.



A survey conducted by the National Statistical Office of the Indian Government showed that: 1 in every 8 students enrolled in a school or college drop out before completing their education. We provide ongoing sponsorships to students, covering their education fees, school supplies, uniforms, stationary, transportation and more.

  • 250+ Students Supported



We sponsor students to study in English medium schools where they learn English, mathematics and science, among other subjects. The sponsorship includes tuition, uniform, reading materials, transport and food. They also provide other forms of support, monitor and encourage them to seek further education.



We provided 50 tablets and 14 smart boards to children in Iraq for a better learning experience in the classroom. This was accessible to students from disadvantaged backgrounds and orphans, to learn in a safe and nurturing environment.

  • 50 Tablets
  • 14 Smartboards
  • 300+ University Graduates


Academic Bursary

We wish to increase the number of higher education graduates from underprivileged households to help them support their families and create employment opportunities. The goal is to promote innovation, technological advancement, entrepreneurship and economic development through higher education.


 Supported students in the fields of:

MSc. Social Data Science

University of Oxford (Oxford, England)

BA. Nursing

Western Sydney University (Sydney, Australia)

MSc. Communications Engineering

Politec Nico di Torino (Turin, Italy)

LLB (Hons)

Nottingham Trent University (Nottingham, England)

We are currently collaborating with local partners in India and Africa to give 630 students grants for the full duration of their undergraduate studies.