Over 8,000 food parcels distributed across several villages and centres in Arusha, Bukoba, Mwanza, Tabora, Zanzibar, Tanga, and Pemba.
10,500+ meat parcels distributed to 2,000+ Tanzanian families who are subjected to extreme poverty and malnourishment.
Food parcels distributed across 15 villages, including Bahakanda, Burani, Miamba, Moyeni, Chengoni, and Samburu.
8,500+ Kenyan families received meat parcels as many cannot afford to buy meat, which is considered a luxury.
Food baskets containing rice, cooking oil, sugar, lentils, and tomato paste distributed to 50,000+ households in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Odisha, and Rajasthan.
As part of our COVID Aid work, we distributed 3000+ food baskets containing essential food items for families in need.
2,100+ food parcels distributed to thousands of needy families, which can support an average family for a month.
Food parcels contain staple items like rice, lentils, pasta, sugar, flour, tomato paste, and more.
Brother Rashid Haider visited Masjid Sahib al Zaman (as) in Masata, Tanzania to prepare and distribute food baskets to the locals. These baskets were thoughtfully curated to contain a sufficient amount of essential ingredients to feed a family of four for an entire month.
Total Food Baskets
Total Households
Beneficiaries in Tanzania
Meat Parcels in Tanzania
Food Parcels in Tanzania
Food Parcels in Kenya
Households in Kenya
Households in India
Food Parcels in Iraq
Households in Iraq